Fine Jewellery
18ct gold and platinum earrings with faceted citrines
Decorative plate. Hand-pierced brass on handrubbed teak with Sistren Motif


Fine Art
Virgen a la Caridad
Painting by Pat Bishop. Acrylic on two canvasses
Gillian at the Jeweller’s Bench

Welcome to our website



In these pages we offer for sale:

JEWELLERY. One-Of-A-Kind Fine Contemporary Jewellery: Rings, Earrings, Brooches, Necklaces in gold and sterling silver, set with precious and semi precious gemstones and exciting Statement Pieces

GLITTERWOOD is a Signature Collection innovation by my partner Darrell and my sister Pat and myself. In this now well-established Trinidadian cultural product, finely crafted gift items of local plantation teak are embellished with hand pierced brass and copper motifs

FINE ART. Original paintings by my sister, Pat Bishop and other Trinidadian artists.

GEMSTONE BLOG page. For many years, the beauty of coloured gemstones, both precious and semi precious has been a source of inspiration for my designs, and in this blog, I invite you to learn more about the fabulous world of gemstones

OFFICIAL GIFTS. Here we take you on a journey to places far and near to see some of the many exciting gifts our company has been commissioned to design and make for world leaders on every continent .

In the page, GILLIAN’S STORY, I share with you some of the milestones which mark my artist’s journey